2. 王 【wáng】 king; monarch;
3. 张 【zhāng】 open; spread; stretch; set out; display; magnify; exaggerate; opening of a new shop; a surname.
4. 刘 【Liú】 surname.
5. 陈 【chén】 lay out; put on display; state; explain; old; stale; (Chen2) a surname; (Chen2) the Chen Dynasty (557-589) , one of the Sourthern Dynasty.
6. 扬 【yáng】 raise; throw up and scatter; winnow; spread; make known.
7. 黄 【huáng】 yellow; sallow; short for the Huanghe River; fizzle out; fall through; a surname.
8. 赵 【zhào】 a surname.
9. 周 【zhōu】 circumference; periphery; circuit; make a circuit; move in a circular course; all; whole; all over; all around; thoughtful; attentive; week;
10. 吴 【wú】 the Kingdom of Wu, one of Three Kingdom; a Surname.
11. 徐 【xú】 slowly; gently; (Xu2) a surname.
12. 孙 【sūn】 grandson; generations below that of the grandchild; second growth of plants; (Sun1) a surname.
13. 朱 【zhū】 vermilion; bright red; cinnabar; (Zhu1) a surname.
14. 马 【mǎ】 horse; horse, one of the pieces in Chinese chess; Ma3, a surname.
15. 胡 【hú】 non-Han nationalities living in the north and west in ancient times; introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad; recklessly; wantonly; outrageously; why; moustache, beard or whiskers; surname.
16. 郭 【guō】 the outer wall of the city; a surname.
17. 林 【lín】 forest; woods; grove; circles; forestry.
18. 何 【hé】 a surname.
19. 高 【gāo】 tall; high; of a high level or degree; above the average; loud; high-priced; expensive; a surname.
20. 粱 【liáng】 fine grain; choice food; a fine strain of millet.
21. 郑 【zhèng】 a surname.
22. 罗 【luó】 a net for catching birds; catch birds with a net; collect; gather together; display; spread out; sieve; sift;
23. 宋 【Sòng】 the Song Dynasty (960-1279); the Song dynasty (420-479) , one of the Southern Dynasties; a surname.
24. 谢 【xiè】 thank;
25. 唐 【Táng】 the Tang Dynasty; a surname.
26. 韩 【Hán】 a surname.
27. 曹 【Cáo】 a surname;
28. 许 【xǔ】 praise; command; promise; allow; permit; maybe; perhaps; somewhat; a little;
29. 邓 【dèng】 a surname.
30. 萧 【xiāo】 desolate; dreary; a surname.
31. 冯 【Féng】 a surname.
32. 曾 【zēng】 relationship between great-grandchildren and great-grandparents; a surname.
33. 程 【chéng】 rule; regulation; order; procedure; journey; stage of a journey; distance; ( Cheng2) a surname.
34. 蔡 【Cài】 a surname.
35. 彭 【péng】 a surname.
36. 潘 【pān】 a surname.
37. 袁 【Yuán】 a surname.
38. 于 【yú】 (surname); at; in.
39. 董 【dǒng】
40. 余 【yú】 I, my, me; surname; surplus.
41. 苏 【sū】 revive; come to; (Su1) short for Jiangsu Province; a surname.
42. 叶 【yè】 leaf; foliage; leaf-like thing; page; part of a historical period; Ye (surname).
43. 吕 【lǚ】 a surname.
44. 魏 【wèi】 the Kingdom of Wei (220-265) , one of the Three Kingdoms; a surname.
45. 蒋 【jiǎng】 a surname.
46. 田 【tián】 field; farmland; cropland; (Tian2) a surname.
47. 杜 【dù】 birch-leaf pear; shut out; stop; prevent; a surname.
48. 丁 【dīng】 man; members of a family; population; a person engaged in a certain occupation; the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems; fourth; small cubes of meat or vegetable; cubes; (Ding1) a surname.
49. 沈 【shěn】 short for Shenyang; a surname.
50. 姜 【jiāng】 ginger; a surname.
51. 范 【fàn】
52. 江 【jiāng】 river; a surname.
53. 傅 【fù】 teach; instruct; teacher; instructor; lay on; apply; (Fu4) a surname.
54. 钟 【zhōng】 bell; clock; time as measure in hours and minutes; concentrate (one's; affections, etc.); handleless cup; (Zhong1) a surname.
55. 卢 【Lú】 a surname.
56. 汪 【wāng】 (of liquid) collect; accumulate;
57. 戴 【dài】 put on; wear; respect; honour; (Dai) a surname.
58. 崔 【Cuī】 a surname.
59. 任 【rèn】 appoint; assume a post; take up a job; official post; office; let; allow; give free rein to; no matter (how, what, etc.). a surname.
60. 陆 【lù】 land; Lu4, a surname.
61. 廖 【Liào】 a surname.
62. 姚 【Yáo】 a surname.
63. 方 【fāng】 square;
64. 金 【jīn】 metals; ancient metal percussion instruments; gold (Au); golden; the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234); a surname.
65. 邱 【Qiū】 a surname.
66. 夏 【xià】 summer; an ancient name for China; the Xia Dynasty (c.21st-c.16th century B.C.); a surname.
67. 潭 【tán】 (surname); deep.
68. 卫 【wèi】 defend; guard; protect; (Wei4) a surname.
69. 贾 【jiǎ】 a surname.
70. 邹 【zōu】 a surname.
71. 石 【shí】 stone; rock; stone inscription; (Shi) a surname.
72. 熊 【xióng】 bear;
73. 孟 【mèng】 the first month (of a season); eldest (brother); (Meng3) a surname.
74. 秦 【Qín】 the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.); another name for Shaanxi province; a surname.
75. 阎 【yán】
76. 薛 【xuē】 a surname.
77. 候 【hòu】 wait; await; inquire after; time; season; condition; state.
78. 白 【bái】 white; clear; pure; plain; blank; in vain; for nothing; free of charge; gratis; White (as a symbol of reaction); wrongly pronounced and written Chinese; state; explain; dialect; a Surname.
79. 雷 【léi】 thunder; mine; a surname.
80. 龙 【lóng】 dragon; imperial; a huge extinct reptile; Long2, a surname.
81. 段 【duàn】
82. 郝 【Hǎo】 a surname.
83. 孔 【kǒng】 hole; opening; aperture;
84. 邵 【shào】 a surname.
85. 史 【shǐ】 history. a surname.
86. 毛 【máo】 hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; semifinished; gross; little; small; careless; crude; rash; panicky; scared; flurried;
87. 常 【Cháng】 a surname; ordinary; common; normal; constant; invariable;
frequently; often; usually.
88. 万 【wàn】 ten thousand; a very great number; myriad; absolutely; by all means; (Wan4) a surname.
89. 顾 【gù】 turn round and look at; look at; attend to; take into consideration; visit; call on; a surname.
90. 赖 【lài】 rely; depend; hang on in a place; drag out one's stay in a place; hold on to a place; deny one's error or responsibility; go back on one's word; blame sb. wrongly; put the blame on sb. else;
91. 武 【wǔ】 military; connecting with the boxing skill, swordplay, etc.; valiant; fierce; a surname.
92. 康 【kāng】 well-being; health. a surname.
93. 贺 【hè】 congratulate; (He4) a surname.
94. 严 【yán】 tight; strict; severe; stern; rigorous;
95. 尹 【yǐn】 an ancient official title; (Yin3) a surname.
96. 钱 【qián】 copper coin; cash; money; fund; sum; (Qian2) a surname.
97. 施 【shī】 execute; carry out; bestow; grant; hand out; exert; impose; use; apply; a surname.
98. 牛 【niú】 Ox (female: cow, male: bull); (Niu) a surname.
99. 洪 【hóng】 big; vast; flood; a surname.
100. 龚 【gōng】 a surname.